Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodbye Kyle

Rainbow over Plum Creek
Our little White Picket Community

Small Town Charm

Kyle Family Log House

Downtown Train Depot

One of the hourly trains :)

Old City Hall

View of the water tower over Main Street

The greatest little church EVER!
First Baptist Kyle

New City Hall

Kyle, Texas Historical Marker

We are officially moving back to Houston next Thursday (11/28). As we prepare to move, yet again, I look back on the brief year and a half we've called Kyle home. It amazes me how deep our roots have grown in less than two years. God has blessed us with such amazing friendships here; there will always be a part of my heart in Kyle, Texas. God has taught me so much about being a godly wife, patient mother and wise friend through some amazing women and His perfect word! He used this season in my life as a bridge between the youthful, clueless, selfish first years of young adulthood and marriage to prepare me for a woman after His heart and perfect will for my life! I feel securely fastened to His pottery wheel as He sculpts and refines me. Praise be to Him for his mercies and abundant love! I will miss the beauty of the Texas foothills, our adopted family at First Baptist Church, my two AMAZING Godly mentors hugs and encouragement, our little white picket fence community, and all of the charm of this small town! I thank God for all He has taught us, brought us through, delivered us from, and blessed us with in this season of transition.

I look forward to some permanency, Lord willing, in our new beautiful home He has provided. I am very excited about not moving for many years since this will be our seventh move since we left college 5 1/2 years ago! I am excited to rekindle some old friendships and be near to my grandparents as they age.

When people ask how I feel about moving I will sum it up in one word: PEACE. God gives me perfect peace even as I am saddened as I look back. He gives me peace because I know this is His provision for us! Praise Him for Sam's job and the security it provides us! Thank you to all who have blessed our family beyond measure; through your prayers, encouragement, hugs, sweat, yummy cooking, solid preaching, laughter, tears, and love!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Summer FUN!

Emma-Claire and Josiah at Zilker Park

Olivia on her Birthday

"Yaya" is 1!!!

It always amazes me how fast the seasons pass! We had a great summer full of fun stuff! We had visits from Sam's parents and two of his siblings. Hannah, his lil' sis is a Freshman at Texas State, about 15 minutes from our house, this fall. So, Rich, Reta and Tom all visited us while seeing Hannah off to school. We all love when they get to come see a bit of our world! August 1st was Olivia's first birthday and our first day with our foster kiddos. About that time we also found out that we would be moving back to Houston sometime this fall.

The latter part of the summer was consumed with preparing for the foster kids and trying to adjust to life with 6 kids. We had a 10yr old girl, Emma 4, 4 year old boy, Josiah 2, 18month old boy and Olivia 12months. It was nearly 24hour a day chaos. Unfortunately, we were greatly misled as to the severity of the needs of these foster children. For various reasons each one was moved from our home and now I can look back and see that those children were put into our family by God for a season. We learned a lot having them here and have a whole new perspective of CPS. We have a new compassion for families with mentally ill children and empathy for the children sitting in CPS custody. Someday we will serve orphans in one capacity or another but now is not the time for our family to take on several very abused and needy children.